Meet Jia Min, a passionate and bubbly facilitator at Beautiful People (BP). As a leader under BP’s first ever flagship programmes, My Beautiful Life (MBL), Jia Min's responsibilities revolve around operational duties and delegating tasks amongst her team in order to impart skills and relationship knowledge to her fellow mentees living in Pertapis Centre for Women & Girls.

Jia Min's journey volunteering with BP sparked off from a conversation with her colleague, Grace, who noticed her talkative and bubbly nature. She recalled "One day, while we were sitting together, I couldn't resist striking a conversation and asked her weekend plans. When she mentioned that she's busy with Beautiful People, I was quite curious and wanted to find out more". Intrigued by Grace's sharing, Jia Min followed suit and joined Beautiful People as a volunteer in 2019.
"I can't help it, I'm someone who loves to talk to others in order to get to know them better and my curiosity drives me to explore and learn!" Jia Min chuckled.
Her experience with Beautiful People can be summarized in 2 words: joy and fulfillment. Jia Min continued her journey with Beautiful People as a volunteer leader because it brings her joy. She enjoys mingling with her little sister, sharing experiences with fellow big sisters, and giving back to the community. As Beautiful People's causes align with her personal values, rather than feeling stressed out by any of the sessions she attended, Jia Min usually ends her day with a sense of fulfillment. ”I really treasure every single moment which is why BP brings me joy and fulfillment!".
Looking back on her journey, Jia Min's most notable moment was witnessing positive outcomes slowly materialising after a year's worth of effort. As a programme leader in My Beautiful Life (MBL), Jia Min feels responsible and concerned that her team's efforts in planning and carrying out activities would go to waste, as they are unable to foresee unexpected hiccups along the way. Despite the initial uncertainties, seeing her team’s efforts come into fruition, alongside the delivery of activities and satisfaction of her fellow mentees is truly rewarding and satisfying.
Through her leadership stint in My Beautiful Life, she has gained insights from her experiences including adopting a flexible approach, uphold mutual respect towards others and embracing new challenges for personal growth. "Looking back, I've learnt that there's no right or wrong way in approaching things . During the planning process, I’m really grateful for my MBL team who have been supporting me throughout and contributing their efforts and because of our close relationship, we are able to grow individually and as a team. I don't think I can do this alone".

Jia Min's passion and dedication in Beautiful People is not only fueled by her leadership experiences and opportunities but also by the deep connections she cultivated with her team of mentors, mentees and the broader Beautiful People community. It is this network of support and collaboration that propels her to continue making meaningful social impact within and outside the organisation.
Reflecting on her journey, Jia Min offers a piece of wisdom to others embarking on a similar path: "We only have one life to live. Let us actively seek opportunities that bring happiness and personal fulfillment while cherishing each moment with gratitude and joy. It’s okay to experience uncertainty and doubt along the way. With our passion and dedication in uplifting our fellow mentees and unwavering support from our BP community, anything is possible".