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My Big Sister is My Family

Karen was 12 when she met her Big Sister, Dora during a Beautiful People ‘Get to Know You’ programme with AG Home (now Gladiolus Place) in 2006.

Working part time and attending Extra Curricular Activities after school, it wasn’t easy for Karen to find time to catch up with her studies.

Karen’s hard work paid off and she moved up from Normal Technical to Normal Academic stream. She made it to a Polytechnic from ITE and eventually into university to obtain a degree of her dreams with Dora’s guidance. Dora’s fervent belief and support encouraged Karen to graduate with a degree in Hospitality and Business Management after years of struggling in school.

Karen and Dora share a relationship that spans 15 years and counting. When Karen was still at AG Home, Dora and her spent time baking, cooking, cycling, shopping and having picnics together with other Big and Little Sisters. As she progressed in school, Dora attended Karen’s graduations and even opened up her house for Karen to invite her friends over during celebrations. When Karen left AG Home at the age of 21, Dora opened her house for Karen to stay.

Having somewhere to go is home. Having someone to love is family. And having both is a blessing. Karen and Dora’s story proves that family is not defined by blood but by love and commitment. Though Karen spent years of her life without a family, she now has a loving and supportive Beautiful People family.

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